Tag Archives: zines

FYH Volume 1: Hey’s Let Get A Pap Exam


FRONTCOVER1issue1OKWanted to pick up a copy of HEY LET’S GET A PAP EXAM at Philly Trans Health Conference but Kelli didn’t have anymore? Here you go, free free free for download, the the copy of the first issue of F*** Your Health. Issue 1 is called Hey Let’s Get A Pap Exam and includes

-Pap exam cheerleading

-How to find a provider

-Prepping for the appointment

-Talking with the provider

-Staying grounded during the exam

The “WHAT I NEED TO GET THROUGH THIS, DAMNIT” worksheet you can fill out and give to your provider


You can download it 100 percent free, right here.

.Fuck Your Health – #1 – Pap Exam – booklet file

You can also buy a hard copy in person at Kelli’s shows or the next Queer Memoir.

If you want to donate something for the zine, all the proceeds will go to make hard copies to give out to folks who need it but don’t have the cash.

ALSO, if you were looking for a copy of the worksheet Kelli promised from the Trans and GNC Radical Narratives: Changing Your Body’s Story, that’s available right here: